So You Want to Crowdfund a Card Deck: A Kickstarter Roadmap
If you’re launching a Kickstarter for a card deck project, there are two key areas [...]
Six Horror Items for your D&D Game
Here at Lunch Break Heroes, we don’t wait until Halloween to indulge in scary stuff. [...]
20 Horror Encounters For Your D&D Game
Horror is a difficult genre to portray in Dungeons & Dragons, for the simple fact [...]
Crowdfunding Pitfalls You Aren’t Thinking About
You’ve got an amazing idea for a product. It’s amazing, and you can’t wait to [...]
D&D Sucks for Horror (and here’s what you can do about it)
I’ve heard it said that Dungeons & Dragons is, at its heart, a horror game. [...]
Scholomance – The Dark Wizard School of D&D
Today we’re venturing into the Dread Domain of Borca in the Ravenloft campaign setting! This [...]
Strahd is not your paramour
I’m on Reddit a lot. Like… a lot. I’m not even sure there are other [...]
How We Create Content
Creating content for Dungeons & Dragons is no small feat. Here at Lunch Break Heroes, [...]
What’s up with Raising the Stakes?
Just in case you didn’t know, the guide to Curse of Strahd that we’ve been [...]
Yester Hill
The druids of Yester Hill are an abomination! Follow this guide to spice up the [...]
The Cast of Ravenloft
Castle Ravenloft is a pretty big place. Despite Strahd von Zarovich being a broody edgelord [...]
Who is Sir Godfrey Gwilym?
Card: Ghost (King of Hearts) Sir Godfrey Gwilym is one of the revenants at Argynvostholt, [...]